Joely B.

Joely B.
Joel at 1 week old

Thursday, July 16, 2015

A 5 Year Old's Favorites

Show: Teen Titans Color: All the colors of the rainbow Food: Spaghetti and Meatballs Toy: dinosaurs (really it's Skylanders but that was his answer) Store: Toy store Friend: Friends at school like Cole Drink: Chocolate milk Movie: Avengers Holiday: Christmas Place: Dinosaur Museum (Witte) Animal: Dinosaurs When you grow up? I'm not sure...umm a police officer

5 years and 19 months

Here's what's new with the boys. Joel played soccer again this past spring. His team name was the Snakes and Benny coached them again. Lots of games and practices were rained out, but the kids seemed to have a good time. He did a lot better staying focused on going after the ball! He finished up Pre-K this past May at The Summit and we have been getting ready for kindergarten! I am really excited for him to start school and experience all that it has to offer. I have a feeling school will come easy to Joel. He seems to catch on to things quickly and is curious about how things work. He can do the basics like count to 100, read some sight words, and is getting pretty good at sounding out words. When we are out he will read signs, we are very proud of him :) Joel has also really impressed me with how good of a big brother he is to Henry. He is so patient and compassionate towards Henry. Anytime he gets upset, Joel talks to him in a calm voice and tries to make him feel better. Henry is actually the rough one out of the two, but Joel never tries to hurt him back when Henry accidentally takes it a little too far. Joel just has this huge heart. He is sensitive and reminds me of an old soul. Just to give an example, I was showing him a video from facebook that was set to a soft piano tune. It was a montage of 10 years of being on facebook. When it showed the picture of Joel meeting Henry for the first time at the hospital, Joel got all choked up and starting crying. He said he was crying because that was such a happy day. What five year old does that? I love him so much I hope he never loses that part of himself. Henry is our little rascal :) Henry is fearless and does things his way. Joel is more on the cautious side, but Henry doesn't know what it means to be afraid. Which scares me! I am almost certain he will be my kid in the ER with broken bones. He has been quicker to run and jump and get on the move than Joel was, but he's not much of a talker yet. He can say Mama, Dada, shoe, Booo (book), more, and please. When he says please it is so cute. It's always when he wants more food, so he'll rub his belly while kind of bouncing up and down and saying "Pleeze, pleeze". Henry loves to be around mommy right now. Anytime I walk out of the room he usually goes into a little bit of a meltdown. He likes to wrestle and jump on everyone, as well as jump off the couch. We line the carpet with the couch cushions and he will just keep going to like 30 minutes. He has found a love for listening to books, which I thought wasn't going to happen. When he was a baby he never had interest in them. He'd push them away if we tried to read to him. But now he brings us multiple books throughout the day and just plops down in our laps. And he loves to dance. Whether it be in the car or a jingle on a commercial, if he hears music he's moving. I think Henry will be adventurous and fun-loving, and be my momma's boy :)