Joely B.

Joely B.
Joel at 1 week old

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What a difference a couple weeks make...

Joel has really started to walk A LOT lately. If we are home and he's shoe-less, then he's walking. I haven't been so great at keeping shoes on him, like ever, so he's still adjusting to walking in those. But just within the past 2 weeks he has really changed so much in his development. 
So besides the walking, we are now 100% bottle-free. Thank the Lord! We used Dr. Brown's bottles, which are great. But not so great having to clean 5 parts to a bottle every time you wash them. Sippy cups are much easier. 
As far as talking, Joel is now saying:
  1. Mama
  2. De De
  3. no (everything is "nooo")
  4. ball
  5. ba-ta (bottle/sippy cup)
  6. Go
  7. DA! (doggy)
  8. eh low (hello)
He is also following directions really well. If we ask him to go get his ball, he'll look around for it and go get it. We can tell him to put the ball in the box and he knows just what to do. He has also taken to picking up balls and launching them across the room or straight down to the floor. Such a cutie :)
I took Joel for his 1 year check up the other day. He's 26 lbs. 12 oz. and 31.5 inches long. That puts him in the 91st percentile for both height and weight. I'm glad his height is finally catching up. He's been in the 90+ %tile for weight since about 2 months, but length was always around the 75th. He's just an all around big guy, and I love each and every inch of him. He has such a sweet personality. He loves to giggle with me and Benny and he loves to snuggle with me on the floor. Joel's version of snuggling is to stand up above me while I'm lying on the floor, purposely fall down on top on my head, lay next to me for about 30 seconds, then stand up and repeat the process about 10 times before he finally lays down and stays there. Joel also likes to probe my face with his fingers. Poking my eyes, sticking his finger up my nose, in my mouth, pinching my nose, pulling my fly-away hairs out, you name it. Ouch! Needless to say, we're working on being "gentle". :)
So that's what's new with Joely Bean. We went to the beach last weekend, but I will write about that later and add some new pictures. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

What's cute with yellow and green icing all over?

Today we had Joel's birthday party! There was a lot of hard work involved, mostly because I put off cleaning house until last night, but it was all so worth it. We were surrounded with our loved ones, which makes me feel so blessed. I love that Joel has people in his life that want to celebrate his life.
Today we welcomed Grandma Carol, Papa and Mackie, Oma and Opa, Great-Grandma Doris, Aunt Niccole, Grandpa David, Debbie Grandma, Uncle/Cousin Thomas, Aunt/Cousin Jessica, John and Lindsey. We all (I hope) had a great time visiting and playing pass Joel around. He was such a good boy just like he always is. I know he won't remember, but the first birthday is mostly for the parents I think. A day for me and Benny to say, look at our precious baby boy. He has given me the absolute best year of my life, so the least I can do is set aside a day to celebrate him. :) Man I love that kid more than words can say.
So everyone showed up around 11:00-ish. Joel had taken a nap in the morning, so he made it through most of the day before he crashed around 3:00. We had burgers, chips, appetizers, and the famous chocolate fountain made an appearance with all the yummy dipping items. Thanks Carol!
After lunch we opened presents. Joel got several little bike things in different themes- Buzz Light Year, Radio Flyer, and Winnie the Pooh. He always looks so proud of himself when he rides those things. Grandma Carol got him the coolest thing- a ball house with tunnels! I got inside it with him and I thought it was cool! I can remember being a kid and building forts out of sheets in the living room, I would have LOVED to have something like that. Lucky butt.
Our big present to Joel was a little climber thing with a slide. He has already learned how to use the foot holes to climb up the back, but then he just sits on the platform. He's not too keen on the slide just yet. Oh, and my dad got Joel an awesome swing. I pictured them getting a little plastic one with ropes to tie around a tree, but they got him an actual little kid bucket swing like you'd see at a playground! Awesome! That thing will last for years.
My favorite part of the day was the cake. As we brought in Joel's own little round cake with the candle lit and everyone singing his little face just lit up. Everyone was singing "Happy birthday" and I got the biggest lump in my throat. I think it was a combination of realizing this day had finally come and being a little overwhelmed with happiness. How lucky am I that I get to give my baby such a special day? I hope I can be there for a 100 more birthdays for Joel :)
It was a great day. I'm exhausted and I now know why many parents have parties at Chuck E Cheese and other places, but I really enjoyed having his party here. How in the world I will make it through when there are other kids and actual birthday activities involved I do not know. But I will, and I love every minute of it. Well maybe not the sweeping, mopping, and dusting, but you get the idea.