Joely B.

Joely B.
Joel at 1 week old

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Back to Work...

Well tonight was Joel's official last night of summer vacation with mom and dad. He'll go back to Ms. Pat's full-time tomorrow. I'm trying to not get in the, "ugh- I don't want to go back to work" mood. So instead I am focusing on the great summer that I was fortunate enough to spend with my baby boy and darling husband.
I loved "sleeping in" 'til 8:00 every morning- thank you Benny for waking up first. :)
I loved our weekly trips to the zoo watching Joel run around the toddler area. He would point to the animals, munch on gold fish while we pushed him around in the stroller, and even made a few friends while playing in the grocery store.
I loved feeding Joel waffles for breakfast.
I loved taking naps while Joel took his nap in the afternoon.
I loved having dinner with my family every night.
I loved running around the house chasing Joel while making the Jaws "Dun-nah" sound and hearing him squeal.
I loved reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and 100 First Words a bazillion times. Every day.
I loved using sidewalk chalk with Joel in the backyard, even though he just taps the chalk on the ground while I draw pictures.
I loved watching Joel get excited about swimming and kiddie pools.

So even though I would love to stay home with my boys every day, I know I get more time with them than most working moms do. I'm excited to get this school year started and get that much closer to Halloween costumes, pumpkin patches and putting up a Christmas tree. :)

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