Joely B.

Joely B.
Joel at 1 week old

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thankful for you always

We had a great week together for Thanksgiving. I got most of my to-do list finished. We cleaned out the spare bedroom to begin the transformation into Joel's playroom, got most of Joel's Christmas presents bought, and got caught up on laundry. We didn't necessarily do something new together, but we did make it out to the Witte Museum again, and Joel loved it. I think it's because he has the freedom to run and play without being strapped in to a stroller.
So I didn't do the "I'm thankful for..." post on facebook like everyone else, but I figure it can't hurt to write it here in a semi-private setting.

You are blossoming into the most precious, kind-hearted, lovable, funny, charming little boy I could ever imagine. You've started calling me mama again, for a while it was da-da followed by a grin. My heart swells when I hear you say my name, especially when it's accompanied by outreached arms and puckered little lips. You have brought so much to your father and I. He always says, "Who would've thought being a  parent would be so much fun?" You make us laugh hysterically on a daily basis. Whether you're riding on your daddy's back like a horsey and telling him, "Go Dada!" out of no where, or showing off that you're a big tough guy by picking up big boxes full of baby wipes and putting them on the couch (all while grunting and carrying on about how heavy it is). You make us so happy. Everything is right now that you are here in our lives. Thank you Joel for all that you give to your daddy and me.
Thankful for you always,

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Half way to TWO!

Today Joel is 18 months old! The past few weeks his language has just exploded and he is saying so many new things daily. Moon, backpack, jacket, okay-okay, I'll do it, I get it, I Joel (points to self), Dora, and the best- when he eats something he likes he says, "Mmmmmm!" Too cute.
We had another rendezvous with the emergency room last weekend. Little man was running temps up to 105 and the only explanation they could give me was that he had rhinovirus- the common cold. It is so scary when his temp gets so high and it's just a waiting game. Cranky, fussy, snotty, throw-up...I can handle all those. But when he feels so bad he doesn't even fuss, he just lays on me and sleeps. Ugh, awful. After lots of prayers he pulled through and came back home each night (we went twice over the weekend).
Now we're off for a whole week for Thanksgiving. To-do list:

  • clean out guest room to make into Joel's playroom
  • do a new activity with Joel
  • Get a little Christmas shopping done
  • catch up on laundry
If one of these is accomplished, we will be in good shape. :)