Joely B.

Joely B.
Joel at 1 week old

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Two Years Today

My dearest baby Joel,
    Somehow two years have gone by since the first day I held you in my arms.  That was the beginning of the best part of my life. You have made quite the impression on your father and me little man. You are so sweet. If you accidentally bump me on the head, you'll rub it and say, "I'm sorry Momma." "Please" and "thank you" are part of your everyday language, which makes me so proud. You are also VERY funny. You will do things intentionally to make me laugh. Like peer at me out of the corner of your eye and try not to smile when I'm trying to get you to look at something. Or when you make your sad face and then start laughing. Or when you toot on purpose. Yes, that has begun.
   My hopes for you at two years is that you continue to grow and thrive and learn and laugh. You have the best laugh. Especially when me and Daddy tickle you. I love talking to you and seeing the world from your perspective. I can not express how deeply in my heart you have rooted yourself. You've carved out a little spot in there. Well actually, a rather big spot. It's in that spot that floods with happiness when you hit a new milestone, or say something precious during your nighttime prayers. It's in that spot that aches when you're hurt or sick and I can't make it all better. And it's in that spot that I hold this special bond that you and I have that could never be replicated by anyone or anything.
   I am so proud to call you my son Joel. I can tell you have a good soul and a kind heart. Wherever your life takes you, I only hope that the road is paved with your happiness. And that you don't forget to call your mother. Often. If the time keeps ignoring my pleas to slow down, it will be no time before you are reading this and going off to college and getting married. But I hope if it's your 2nd birthday or your 42nd, you'll always know that you have made me one proud and tremendously happy woman. Just by being you.
I love you son. So, so, so much.

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