Joely B.

Joely B.
Joel at 1 week old

Saturday, February 6, 2016

5 and 2

The boys are doing great. Here are some updates:

Joel has started kindergarten this year and is thriving! He's reading books already and writing sentences. It has been amazing to watch his growth this year. His teacher, Ms. Kennedy, says he is very smart and has a great sense of humor. He just celebrate his 100th day of school and a few weeks ago he was Star Student of the week. We are very happy with how the year is going and can't wait to see how much more Joel gets to experience and learn at his awesome school.
Outside of school, Joel is VERY into Star Wars. The latest movie, The Force Awakens, came out recently so Benny bought all the old movies. He and Joel watched them before going to see the new movie. So now he has Star Wars video games, bed sheets, books from the school library- you name it. He says he wants to try karate this summer instead of soccer, so we'll see how that goes.

Henry is two and 3 months and is talking so much more now. At his second birthday, he was only saying a couple 2 word sentences so I was a little worried about his speech development. But since Christmas his vocabulary has really expanded. He is talking all the time and putting all kinds of 3-4 sentences together so I am happy about that. He is also doing well in his little school. All the teachers seem to like Henry and he is obviously happy there- can't ask for much more when you're a working mommy.
Henry loves animals and is starting to get interested in trains, or as he calls them "shoo-shoos". His personality seems like he might push the envelope a bit more than Joel, but he is just as loving and sweet. He loves to give hugs and kisses to everyone in the house before bedtime. Henry also has a special fondness for all his grandfathers. Anytime Benny, my dad, or Mike are around he climbs right up into their lap and not much else matters to him at that point :)

So in a nutshell we're all doing well and I am thankful for our health and happiness. Here's hoping 2016 continues to be a great year for our family.

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