Joely B.

Joely B.
Joel at 1 week old

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pause Please

Joel is growing and changing everyday, which is what is supposed to happen. But for a moment I would just like a pause button because this is all going by way too fast. I can't believe he is almost 8 months old. But then on the other hand, I love seeing his little self develop.
So big things have happened since the last time I posted. Christmas! Christmas was awesome this year. It felt more like old times than any other Christmas I can remember since I was a kid. This is largely in part because of Joel. He got so many fun toys that once again remind me that he's getting bigger. He actually sits and "rides" this motorcycle toy we bought him. He can stay on it all by himself. He just needs help on and off it. Rattles aren't cutting it anymore, he needs more entertainment. We call the motorcycle his hog by the way.
We went to Houston, had secret santa and white elephant gifts with my family. It was nice to have "family" time with them again. Then we spent Christmas Eve at Carol's and Christmas morning at home with just the 3 of us. That was my favorite. Helping Joel tear off wrapping paper. Of course he just wanted the paper in his mouth rather than worrying what was under the paper, but to each there own. We put out cookies for Santa and he even left Joel a note! So glad Santa is stopping by again. :)
Then after Christmas, Joel had some surprises for us too. He sprouted his first tooth, which quickly turned into two teeth! He also has began to crawl around. He doesn't get totally off the ground on all fours yet, but he reaches with his arms and pushes with his knees. The funny thing about babies is no matter how many brightly colored toys line the perimeter of the living room, they always want to play with the computer, remote, or pull stuff off the shelves of the entertainment center.
Joel is my joy. He smiles and kicks his legs when Benny or I come in the room. He listens when he hears Benny come in the door after work and looks for him to come upstairs. He crawls over to me and pulls on my clothes to tell me he wants to be held. He opens and closes his hand on my arm as if he's trying to tickle me. And his laugh. Ahhh... if I could only hear one sound for the rest of my life that would be it. It is beautiful innocence personified. Sometimes he chuckles, but sometimes he really gets going and squeals, squeaks, and acts like he can't take it anymore.
It's so interesting to see his mind working now. He focuses on things so intently. I can see that he wants to understand how things work, what are they used for, etc. I can't wait for this summer. I want to cherish every morning that I get to stay home with him b/c like I said, I know it will be gone before I know it.

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