Joely B.

Joely B.
Joel at 1 week old

Monday, April 18, 2011

Smarty pants

So I have to brag for a moment. This weekend Joel and I were playing with his Zoomer-something-or-other spinny race track thingie. There's a ramp that leads to a deck that spins the cars around in a circle before it spits them out the other side. Anyway- there's a little red button/sensor thing that the cars have to go over before the spinning deck will turn on. So I showed Joel to push the red button to turn it on. My little guy has been going back to that toy with all kinds of things, touching the red button, and watching his toys spin around and around!
I think that's pretty neat that he still remembers that the red button turns it on! I know, maybe it's not that impressive in the grand scheme of things he will accomplish in his life, but come on, that's pretty cool for a baby. :) It's fun to watch how he can figure things out now and remember how they work.

  • Joel loves to clap his hands! He gets very excited when we say, "yay joel!" and clap
  • He now says "Ma!" a LOT
  • He will stand on his own while cruising the couch
  • He has taken a step a couple of times, but then plops down on his bottom

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