Joely B.

Joely B.
Joel at 1 week old

Monday, April 4, 2011

We created a monster, but he's cute so it's okay.

  • Joel was home sick ALL last week. So I missed MWF of work and Benny stayed home Tuesday/Thursday. Poor little guy had a double ear infection (round 2), and bronchiolitis. He didn't act like he felt bad until after we went to the doctor (of course). I felt really bad because I had been kind of blowing off his fever thinking it was just a little cold or teething. Anyway, so silver lining is that I got to spend 3 extra days home with my little man! 

We had a pretty good week, considering he wasn't feeling too hot. We didn't go anywhere since he was running a temp I didn't want to get his germies on everyone else, so we just stayed home and played. And napped, and napped some more. That kid definitely takes after me in that department. When he doesn't feel good he takes TWO 2 hour naps a day. Hallelujah! So this momma got some much needed rest as well. Did I tell you I love that kid?
Well today was Joel's first day back to "school" in a week, so naturally he needed some readjustment time. Ms. Pat told me that he was fussy and didn't want anything to do with the kids. He only wanted her to play with him. Humm...I wonder why? I think little Mr. got used to being the only little one around and getting non-stop attention. I really don't see what the problem is. Joel is clearly the cutest/sweetest/smartest/ most fun baby at that place. She should be begging him to play. No? Okay, I guess that's a little overboard. :)

What's Joel up to you ask? Well let's see:

  • So Joel's new thing is that he likes to be funny. He will being playing on the carpet and then all the sudden go lay his head down on a pillow like he's sleeping. Then he'll pop up, laugh, and quickly crawl 5 feet over and do the same thing again. He loves when Benny and I laugh at him. 
  • He also loves to hand us things. If he has a toy, paper, whatever and we ask, "Can I have that?" He will hand it over. BUT then he puts his hand back out as to ask for it back again. When we oblige he gets VERY happy and squeals. Did I mention this kid is flippin' cute?
  • He also is content to sit in his high chair ONLY while eating. Once he's done, he wants out. This usually causes a problem b/c after I feed him, I cook our dinner and the dogs eat theirs. So I prefer he not crawl around while the dogs are eating ( he tried to climb in their bowls and we all I know I think those dogs are dirty/nasty/annoying/so on). So tonight I remembered how much he loves being my sues chef. I plopped him down in the kitchen with a small pan and a spoon and presto! He was distracted for at least 10 minutes. Mommy accomplishment #231. 
  • Joel now has 4 teeth, two top/two bottom, and the others are on the verge of emerging very soon. Trying to get foreign objects out of his mouth is becoming more and more of a challenge. 

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